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[Circular 2/2022] Key international events in 2022 (2022 WORLD 주요 회의일정)

[Circular 2/2022] Key international events in 2022 (2022 WORLD 주요 회의일정) 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2022-01-27

Barcelona, 26 January 2022
To the members of the World Council
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

Key international events in 2022 


Dear members,
As we wrap up a year when the pandemic and the climate emergency have continued to mark our work, we would like to challenge the odds with optimism and invite you to mark in your calendars the key international events planned in 2022.
2022 will undoubtedly be an exciting year, with many important milestones leading up to our World Congress in October, and a very busy international agenda due to the celebration of key events that had to be postponed because of the COVID pandemic.
January-March 2022
The year starts with the launch of the 2022 Town Hall process which, as you know, is the track of our World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders driven by civil society. The first quarter of the year will also see consultations with the President of the General Assembly and the United Nations Environmental Assembly, during which a Cities and Regions Forum will be convened. In March, our constituency will particularly mobilize for the 66th session of the Committee on the Status of Women, gathering the feminist municipal movement to address the unique importance of women and feminist leadership.
The UCLG electoral process will also be launched in the first quarter of 2022 and will include:

  • The process of nominations to the UCLG Governing Bodies, organized with the UCLG Sections, including the Vice-Presidencies.
  • The call for candidatures for the Presidency, Treasury and the Presidency of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality.

The broad membership of UCLG will receive more specific information on these issues by circulars in due time

The nomination process for the Governing Bodies will finalize in September. The deadline for presentation of candidatures to the Presidency, Treasury and Presidency of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality will be August.
April-June 2022
April will be marked by the high-level meeting on the revision of the New Urban Agenda. During this second quarter of the year, the Africities Summit will also be celebrated, as well as the World Urban Forum (in June). A Mayors’ Forum will be convened on the occasion of the UN Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in May.
The UCLG Executive Bureau is programmed in principle in San José at the beginning of June. The exact dates are still to be confirmed.
July-August 2022
July and August will be the months of the High-level Political Forum, during which UCLG will convene a Local and Regional Government Forum via the Global Taskforce, and of the Urban 20 Summit.
October-December 2022
October will be the Congress month. More information will be shared in the coming months but you can already save the dates: 10-14 October 2022. As for the end of the year, two key events are worth highlighting: COP27 in November and the UN high-level meeting on Development Cooperation Effectiveness in December.
We hope you will find this briefing useful. For your information, you can also consult the key event calendar.
More specific briefings will be prepared and shared with the membership in due time. In the meantime, do not hesitate to write to our policy team for any further information you might need: policy@uclg.org, or to the statutory affairs team for any questions on the electoral process and statutory meetings: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.


The UCLG World Secretariat

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043