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시드니시 우범지역 야간청소년 농구대회 지원

작성자관리자 작성일2009-10-12
시드니시 우범지역 야간청소년 농구대회 지원 기본정보
대륙 대양주 호주
등록일 2009-10-12 13:10:52
최종수정일 2024-09-21 10:21:08

시드니시 우범지역 야간청소년 농구대회 지원

시드니시는 일종의 낙후 지역인 레드펀과 워털루지역에서의

야간청소년농구대회에 12천달러를 지원하여 청소년이 야간에

농구라는 활동을 통하여 범죄와 반사회행동 대신

즐겁고, 사회적인 활동을 장려해왔다.

이와 관련된 시드니시의 시책자료를 올리니 참고하기 바랍니다.

City of Sydney has contributed more than $12,000 to a midnight basketball competition for local youth in Redfern and Waterloo to provide a fun, social and recreational alternative to crime and anti-social behaviour.Independent Councillor Marcelle Hoff attended the launch this week and said the competition is designed to give local youth in the area a place to go on Saturday nights."The competition gives young people a social activity that combines sport and education in a safe and positive environment," Clr Hoff said."The competition is based on a similar program developed in the United States which had success in diverting young people from crime and anti-social behaviour.""If the program proves successful in Redfern/Waterloo, it could be possible to extend it to other villages in the City of Sydney," she said.The City has also provided $150,000 in sponsorship to the Sydney Community Foundation, which is another partner of the competition.The basketball competition will be held at Alexandria Park Community Centre and is open to all local youth aged 12 to 18 years-old. Matches are played on a Saturday night between 7.30 pm and midnight but players need to attend a pre-game workshop prior to the matches commencing.The draft day is on Saturday 18 February with the first round of competition commencing on Saturday 25 February.For information and enrolment details visit the Midnight Basketball Australia website http://www.midnightbasketball.org.au or call (02) 8208 6248.The program is supported by Redfern Police, NRMA, West Sydney Razorbacks, City of Sydney, Sydney Community Foundation, the Department of Housing and local youth services, community, Aboriginal, sporting and church organisations.

출처 1: http://www.sydneymedia.com.au/html/2832-city-backs-midnight-basketball-for-local-youth.asp?orig=Home

출처 2 : http://www.midnightbasketball.org.au



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