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[Circular 23/2021] Background documents of the Executive Bureau (WORLD 집행부회의자료)

[Circular 23/2021] Background documents of the Executive Bureau (WORLD 집행부회의자료) 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2021-10-28

Barcelona, 27 October 2021
To the members of the Executive Bureau
To the Secretaries General
To the Vice-Presidents of United Cities and Local Governments
To the Chairs of UCLG Committees, Working Groups, Communities of Practice and Fora

For information: To the Presidency

UCLG 2021 World Council 
Background documents of the Executive Bureau

Dear members,
We are pleased to share with you the background documents for the Business Session of the Executive Bureau, to be held on 16 November 2021.
As previously informed, the UCLGMeets platform will be the central virtual space for preparation and exchanges for the World Council meetings.
All programmes will be up-dated from the main page of the Council, where you will already find:

  • The interactive programme day-by-day and the overview programme, including the sessions of the World Council and of the Policy Council;
  • Detailed descriptions of the sessions, which will be up-dated as we come nearer to the meetings;
  • Additional resources (available via hyperlinks) that we hope you will find useful for the different sessions.

As you know, the World Forum of Regions will meet in the framework of the World Council. You can access here the information note on the high-level political dialogues, scheduled on 18 November. We also remind you that two sessions will be previously organized on 16 and 17 November. You can find more information on UCLGMeets.
We remind you that registration is open and that each member of your delegation is invited to fill in the registration form by 12 November, whether you will participate online or in-person.

We have prepared an information note for online participants, to guide you through the different virtual processes of the World Council. As usual, we count on your active participation: please do not hesitate to use the “raise your hand” option during the sessions. The moderators will try to accommodate as many interventions as possible.

Please also find an information note for in-person participants, with further details about the venue, the accreditation to the Smart City Expo, the COVID-related measures and other logistical information

  • As all the sessions will take place via Zoom, we highly recommend to ensure you have the most recent version of the app downloaded

The World Secretariat remains at your disposal should you require any additional information: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.


The UCLG World Secretariat

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043