
  1. 지방외교
  2. 국제기구회의
  3. 세계지방정부연합(UCLG)
  4. 최근소식(Circular)
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6월 9일 UCLG ASPAC 집행부회의 세션별 Zoom 링크 및 일정표 안내

6월 9일 UCLG ASPAC 집행부회의 세션별 Zoom 링크 및 일정표 안내 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2022-06-08

Committee Meetings


09 June 2022 (Time GMT +8)


1. 09:30 – 10:30

Culture Committee 

Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErduCgqDwoH9T2JEfc_qO8qnxzfAth1dLS


2. 10:30 – 11:30

Standing Committee on Women in Local Governments (WILGs)

Link:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAvc-ispz0rHdH2MsuBRlcmU0AW7830YxuH

3. 11:30 – 12:30



4. 12:30 – 13:30

Southeast Asia Standing Committee 

Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkf-yvpzMoHtDP8PaMZ2EHVhMs4b9AxLg3


South & Southwest Asia Standing Committee

Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMkcOqrpzMiGNQTbmLfhmiVc4icMbSW_VRt


5. 14:30 – 14:45



6. 14:45 – 16:15

UCLG ASPAC Financial Management Committee Meeting (invitation only)  


6. 16:30 – 17:30

HDP Nexus Committee  

Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcpcuqqrTMuGNwGK-iQc1Pfxk1u8a2j_07a


Belt and Road Local Cooperation Committee 

Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAldu-rpzosGN0LjNaz3PDJkiya2rbr7YRu


Social Events


Online Reception Room

A platform for participants to have bilateral or multilateral conversations

          Click https://app.gather.town/app/pjZdEfcjTQQ8Rzca/UCLG%20ASPAC to join


Online Artistic Performances & Intangible Folk Culture Broadcasting from UCLG ASPAC and UCLG ASPAC Tourism Committee

            Click https://uclgaspac-connect.org/index.php/congress/social_event to enjoy the online artistic performances\

▶ 6월 9-10일 회의 참석시 별첨된 배경하면을 이용바람

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043