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[Circular 26/2022] Statutory meetings: save the dates (2022 WORLD 총회 본회의 일정, 안건, 등록 안내)

[Circular 26/2022] Statutory meetings: save the dates (2022 WORLD 총회 본회의 일정, 안건, 등록 안내) 기본정보
작성자 ADMIN 작성일 2022-08-02

World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders – 7th UCLG Congress
Statutory meetings: save the dates
10-14 October 2022, Daejeon

Dear members,

As you know, the 7th UCLG Congress and World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders will take place on 10-14 October 2022 in Daejeon, South Korea.
This circular aims at inviting UCLG members to include in their agendas the dates of the Congress and the statutory meetings, as described below.
The possibility to attend the statutory track of the Congress for all members is guaranteed including active participation online, however we would like to recall that as per the decision of the Seville Executive Bureau, the voting process will be in-person only. The Executive Bureau recalled that the strength of UCLG lies in the open dialogue and discussions that allow reaching consensus. It was felt that this can only be guaranteed with interaction in situ. Therefore, the voting procedures in Daejeon will be in-person. Online voting would only be allowed in exceptional circumstances linked to mobility restrictions for health reasons related to the current pandemic.
EXECUTIVE BUREAU, 12 October 2022, 14:30-16:30 (KST)
This will be the last meeting of the Executive Bureau for the current mandate. The new Executive Bureau will be appointed for 2022-2025 in Daejeon, during the World Council. The Executive Bureau will receive up-dates on policy highlights and strategic priorities.
[You can find here the draft agenda of the Bureau]
GENERAL ASSEMBLY, 13 October 2022, 14:30-17:30 (KST)
The General Assembly gathers representation of all the members of UCLG. It has the responsibility for the overall policy, direction and oversight of the World Organization. It will receive reports from the Presidency and from the Assembly and Town Hall tracks.
It will appoint the members of the World Council for 2022-2025, based on the electoral process taking place this year throughout the Sections.
[You can find here the draft agenda of the Assembly]
WORLD COUNCIL, 14 October 2022, 15:00-18:00 (KST)
This will be the first meeting of the newly appointed World Council for the 2022-2025 mandate.
The World Council will decide the general policies of the Organization for the next period, adopt the Pact for the Future and the work programme for 2023. It will elect the Presidency, the Treasurer and the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Gender Equality. It will also appoint the members of the Executive Bureau among its own membership, following the electoral process taking place throughout the Sections.
[You can find here the draft agenda of the Council]
We kindly invite members to confirm their participation in the statutory track by filling in the attendance form. Please note that this form is NOT the registration for the Congress. Its aim is to confirm participation in the statutory meetings and plenaries, so that the team at the World Secretariat can proceed with the adequate arrangements in terms of seating and voting for members of the governing bodies.
We remind you that registration for the whole Congress is available via the Congress registration page.
Early bird registration discounts are available until 31 August.
Group registrations are also available for groups of at least 10 people from the same Organization.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that for national security reasons, the hosts will need to close the online registration process on 3 October. Onsite registrations will then be available as from 9 October.
Most of the statutory meetings and plenaries will be held in a hybrid format and we are pleased to share with you the interactive programme on UCLGMeets. As is now traditional, this living space will be continuously up-dated with interesting materials and resources, the UCLG TV, etc. You will also find there the connection links for the hybrid meetings.
We also invite you to consult the new space on the 2022 electoral process. You will find in one unique space all the reference documents that guide our Organization’s electoral process, such as the Constitution, the Electoral Procedure Rules, the up-dated Conduct of Elections. In due time, the nominations to the Governing Bodies will also be published in this space, as well as the candidatures to the Presidency of UCLG.
For further information on the Congress, you can visit the Congress website, where you will find the provisional programme, as well as an information note on the structure of the Congress and its different tracks.
We also invite you to subscribe to the newsletter to receive regular up-dates, and to follow us on Twitter through @uclg_org and #UCLGCongress.
We look forward to welcoming you in Daejeon at the largest global gathering of local and regional governments. Our Organization counts on your participation and commitment to continue working for local governments internationally.
The team at the World Secretariat remains at your disposal for any additional information you might need:


The UCLG World Secretariat

▶ 본회의 참가등록(총회 등록이랑 별개로 집행부/이사회의/총회 참석시 등록 필요)https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdzEHKO2cJl3TxQfdjexJACi_8eQbnMrNFUYMtDGLx5RBt4bA/viewform

    ※ 구글Form으로 페이지 연결이 안되는 경우 지자체 내부망 문제인 관계로 핸드폰 또는 자택에서 시도 요망

▶ 대전 WORLD 총회 홈페이지 및 등록 : https://daejeon2022uclg.kr/fairDash.do?hl=KOR

▶ WORLD 총회 일정표(7월 기준) https://daejeon2022.uclg.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/EN_UCLG_CONGRESS_2022_Program.pdf

 기타 WORLD 총회 관련 공지 및 사전 안내 : 

최근소식(Circular)(상세) | 세계지방정부연합(UCLG) | 국제기구회의 | 자료실 | 대한민국시도지사협의회 (gaok.or.kr)

  • 담당팀 : 국제협력부
  • 담당자 : 김영미
  • 연락처 : 02-2170-6043